I am a WSET trained wine educator and professional teacher, who has taught in both London and Cayman for fifteen years. As well as a professional background in education, I have developed, over the years, a passion for all things enological. Having successfully completed numerous wine courses, my wife and I decided to put the theory into practice (the fun part!). We have explored, visited and, most importantly, tasted wine in many of the world’s most exciting and stunning wine regions.
I have an overwhelming appreciation for winemakers’ commitment and sacrifice in producing their art, especially having worked a harvest in Chile. Together with my passion for, and experience in, education, I joined forces with my two Caymanian partners and Cayman Wine School was born.
We have a strong & long-standing affinity with the island and contribute to the wider community wherever possible. Cayman Wine School is for everybody, just like wine itself, and we are committed to promoting a fully inclusive atmosphere at our school, where all are welcome. Join us and begin your wine journey today.
Students, customers and clients can expect extremely professional service in a relaxed and approachable way. Ask us anything and we’ll help make things happen for you. Welcome to Cayman Wine School.
Henry Warnock-Smith, Director