All events are rooted in our core principle of providing fun interactive learning experiences through innovative professional teaching. Wine is for everyone!

We are available for hire! We relish opportunities to present selections of beautiful wines in the comfort of your workplace, home, hotel, boat (yes, we work with local operators and would be happy to arrange your ‘paired-charter’), beach, staycation house or anywhere you can think of. We will work with you to design an unforgettable experience for you and your guests. We can design an interactive tasting event on any wine theme you would like. Passionate to discover Piedmont? Bursting to learn about Burgundy? A Bordeaux Bonanza? A large-scale corporate event? We can deliver all of these and many more.
Private Chefs
We collaborate regularly with renowned private chefs to provide premium quality paired dining experiences. If this gets your mouth watering, get in touch!
Low Key Events
We also run low-key events (which can be virtual) for you and your partner/friend/housemate, the goal of which is to learn more about wine in a small group setting; this may be purely for something different to do or to prep you for a big corporate dinner about which you might be feeling a little apprehensive and need a few quick practical wine tips and a confidence boost.